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PathPoint is proud to highlight staff who have committed years of excellence to our 3,750+ individuals that we support throughout the five counties of San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, and Kern alongside our Behavioral Health Division and Child & Family Services.
Judy Jimenez
30 Years
Job Coach
South Santa Barbara
Read bio »Judy began her career working as a DSP in CAP. After four years, she moved on to IWK where she supported people at the County Education Office and did community integration. She then went on to work in ISE, where she still works today. Judy says that she loves her role as a job coach because it allows her to support many different people in a variety of jobs throughout the community. She is proud of the positive impact she has had in the lives of the people she supports.
Curt Dennett
30 Years
VP of Technology & Infrastructure
Read bio »Curt began working as a floater for Day Services in the Santa Barbara division, but shortly after he was promoted to 'Instructor' at Community Access Program (CAP). That is what Direct Support Professionals II were called at the time. He enjoyed working in CAP, but his passion really was sparked with the employment programs and soon transferred to Individual Supportive Employment (ISE) as a job coach. When he became ISE Coordinator, he attended many annual meetings with people served and realized they really benefitted from our services to keep them employed and able to live and work independently. Today, Curt still sees some individuals around the offices that he used to work with directly and it inspiring to see how they have matured and excelled in their lives.
Oraldo Sanchez
20 Years
Direct Support Professional
Los Angeles County
Cesar Galvez
20 Years
Direct Support Professional
North Central Coast
Linae Voss
15 Years
Direct Support Professional
North Central Coast
Randall Rushing
15 Years
Direct Support Professional
Los Angeles County
Melanie Dawson
15 Years
Assistant Program Coordinator
Ventura County
Maggie Wolf
10 Years
Program Coordinator
Los Angeles County
Bryanna Simpson
10 Years
Assistant Program Coordinator
Kern County
Rosa Ramirez
10 Years
EPSDT & TFSS Coordinator, Kids & Families Together,
a Division of PathPoint
Amber Piert
10 Years
Direct Support Professional
Los Angeles County
Lora Moore
10 Years
Program Coordinator
Kern County
Lauren Loza
10 Years
VP of Strategic Initiatives
Kevin Knebel
10 Years
Director of Information Technology
Chris Gallagher
10 Years
Direct Support Professional
Kern County
Josephine Flores
Ventura County
Cindy Ortega
North Central Coast
Stephen Gann
North Central Coast
Dannelyn Sagun
Kern County
Claudia Solis
Los Angeles County
Daniel Materna
South Santa Barbara
Catherine Bernhardt
Behavioral Health
Mykel Schuessler
Behavioral Health
Denise Claudio
Kids & Families Together, a Division of PathPoint
Kevin Knebel