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Success Stories

Rachel, a PathPoint independent living program participant since 2001, had a dream of becoming a Community Access Project (CAP) Mobility Aide. After her position as a Food Service Assistant at an elementary school ended due to lay-offs from budget cuts, Rachel gave much thought as to what she wanted her next job to be. She spoke of her desire to be a mobility aide in her semi-annual ISP meetings, called periodically to inquire about openings and asked if she could sign up for First Aid/CPR training in order to be as prepared as possible. Since Mobility Aide positions don’t become available very often, it was unknown how long of a wait Rachel would have. She persisted and was soon offered an opportunity to volunteer for the program. She excelled in this position and when CAP was able to expand its day program, Rachel was offered a paid position as a Mobility Aide.

Rachel loves her job and it shows. She incorporates her passions of music, dance, theater, and being active into engaging activities for PathPoint’s program participants. She facilitates weekly classes in Wii Sports, Zumba and Theater Arts Appreciation. “I love my job because I get to do activities with the participants every day and help them work on their goals. We work hard and have a lot of fun too,” states Rachel. Rachel’s supervisor, Program Coordinator Tasha Addison says:

“Rachel is an irreplaceable employee. Her kind and caring demeanor assists our participants to feel supported in working on their specific goals. Rachel is a perfect fit for the CAP Mobility Aide position.”