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Success Stories

Dianne has been coming to PathPoint in the Antelope Valley since July 2013, and has been learning office skills in the front office. When she first started training, she was nervous and reluctant to answer phones, but with encouragement and training from staff, she now looks forward to assisting everyone. She also earns income working on piecework for Farmers Insurance and is awaiting background clearance to volunteer at the courthouse in Palmdale.

Dianne's daughter, Christy, also comes to PathPoint's ACCESS program, and volunteers at the Lancaster Courthouse three days a week.

Diane says:

“I have seen a difference in my daughter's attitude and her excitement when she returns from her day at court. She is meeting new people and enjoys the new training she is receiving. We have been so happy here at PathPoint in Lancaster and we are very satisfied with the services provided. We enjoy all of the staff and feel very comfortable with their assistance and training they provide us.”