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Housing & Residential Treatment

In Santa Barbara and Goleta, PathPoint owns six Behavioral Health (BH) Properties which provide a supportive, stable living environment for clients to focus on recovery and manage their mental health symptoms. At all BH Properties, PathPoint's case managers, direct care staff, and qualified mental health professionals work with nurses from Cottage Health’s St. Francis Parish Nursing Program and a county psychiatrist to support residents through onsite integrated care. The goal of these services is to help clients manage symptoms, strengthen life skills, and engage in their community. There are two different levels of support:

Adult Residential Treatment Facilities
PathPoint owns two licensed homes, Mountain House and Phoenix House, which were acquired through a 2018 merger with Crescend Health. These facilities provide 24/7, hands-on support for people with severe behavioral health diagnoses. Staff in these homes support clients with all aspects of daily living, such as: cooking, cleaning, transportation, appointment scheduling, medication administration, and much more. 

Permanent Supportive Housing
PathPoint also owns four properties which are Section 8 Affordable Housing and accept the Housing Choice Voucher. These homes offer a less intensive level of care than our Adult Residential Treatment Facilities and are aimed at supporting people with behavioral health diagnoses to live independently in their community with the right mental health services, case management, and substance use recovery support.


For both types of properties, PathPoint receives resident referrals from the Santa Barbara County Department of Behavioral Wellness. If you or someone you know would benefit from these services, please contact the county by calling or visiting their website:

(888) 868-1649