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Residential Support Services

The residential complexes El Carrillo, Artisan Court, and Bradley Studios all feature on-site supportive services for the formerly homeless and individuals with mental health challenges. PathPoint provides these programs, called Residential Support Services (RSS), partnering with the Housing Authority of Santa Barbara, which manages these properties.

People with behavioral health needs learn skills best in the environment in which they will be used. To meet this goal, PathPoint strategically acquired affordable housing over the past three decades as a way to offset unaffordable rent costs for residents, ensuring housing stability while teaching independent living skills. That housing continues today, with PathPoint residential programs offering bedrooms at several housing sites (multi-family or single family homes). For more information, please visit our Housing & Residential Treatment page.  

Individual Services

In all our housing options we offer individual services. We treat every resident as unique, because you are! Some come with challenges, disabilities, anxieties or old patterns that require the right type of support. Some come with only questions that need answers and resources that need to be found. PathPoint's team will meet with you when you arrive to find out how we can assist you and what supports you need. These can include the following and more:

  • Setting up your apartment - Accessing affordable food, connecting your telephone line.
  • Gaining access to medical care or benefits – finding a doctor, getting SSI, MediCal, VA benefits.
  • Managing your residency - understanding your lease, improving neighbor relationships, budgeting, money management.
  • Supportive Therapy - work on personal issues such as grief, anger, sadness, depression, or anxiety.
  • Talking about harm reduction if you use substances.
  • Being connected with a nurse who will visit you and help you get the treatment you need.
  • Enhancing your support network with friends and family.
  • Enrolling in school, Adult Ed, Mental Wellness Center, or finding 12-step groups in the area.
  • Connecting with the Department of Rehabilitation or other agencies to help you find a job.
  • Enjoying meaningful onsite activities and groups - art, gardening cooking, and socialization over coffee.

All client referrals for RSS come from the Santa Barbara County Department of Behavioral Wellness. If you or someone you know would benefit from this service, please contact the county by calling or visiting their website:

(888) 868-1649