Project SEARCH
Project SEARCH is an international, unique, business-led, one year internship program that takes place entirely at the workplace. Collaborating with PathPoint, workplace immersion facilitates a seamless combination of classroom instruction, career exploration, and hands-on training through worksite rotations.
PathPoint currently has Project SEARCH collaborations with:
- Kern County Library in Bakersfield
- Ronald Reagan Medical Center at UCLA in Los Angeles
- Dignity Health Mercy Hospital in Bakersfield
- Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center
- Kaiser Permanente West Los Angeles Medical Center
- Children's Hospital Los Angeles
- Henry Mayo Medical Center in Santa Clarita
- St. John’s Hospital Camarillo
- St. John's Regional Medical Center in Oxnard
- Four Seasons Hotel Westlake Village
- Cypress Place Senior Living in Ventura
- Regency Palms Senior Living in Oxnard
The sole definition of a successful outcome is competitive employment for each Project SEARCH intern. Project SEARCH is a business-led program, which means that students learn relevant, marketable skills while immersed in the business and those businesses are active partners, participating without subsidies.
The program focus is on serving people with a variety of developmental disabilities, who experience total immersion in the workplace. Project SEARCH graduates receive effective follow-along services to retain employment.
For more information, please contact:
Erica Beall
Executive Director, Developmental Disability Services
Phone: (805) 966-3310

Joddie first started in PathPoint’s Integrated Work Program where he attended daily to work on prevocational skills. After seeing Joddie’s abilities it was suggested that he attend a yearlong internship through another PathPoint program called Project SEARCH. During his internship at Mercy Hospital in Bakersfield during that time, the cafeteria staff noticed Joddie’s diligence and daily smile on his face at work. After completing his internship through Project SEARCH, Joddie was offered a position at Mercy Hospital as a barista in their brand new coffee shop.
Joddie’s Grandmother said, “PathPoint has completely changed Joddie's life for the better. You taught him life skills, how to work, and gave him a sense of what he was capable of. He got a job that he loves at Mercy Hospital, is living independently in his own apartment, and just passed the test for his driver’s license with PathPoint’s support. PathPoint has helped Joddie become an independent adult who is excited about his life and his future. Just knowing that he can now take care of himself and have the life he wants really takes the burden off of me as I'm getting older. Jodie loves his life and he loves PathPoint! Me too!”