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Enhanced Care Management

Enhanced Care Management (ECM) provides comprehensive, hands-on services to address the clinical and non-clinical needs of some of the highest utilizer members enrolled in Medi-Cal managed care plans. Launched in early 2023, the new service is part of a statewide Medi-Cal transformation called CalAIM. ECM’s goal is to provide seamless care coordination for people with complex psychiatric and physical health needs. Enrolled members are assigned a lead case manager who helps coordinate with the client’s doctors, specialists, pharmacists, and social service providers.

ECM staff assist clients to:

  • Conduct a comprehensive assessment and create a holistic care plan
  • Identify social factors that contribute to current mental and physical health symptoms
  • Address and help clients seek treatment for chronic conditions that require immediate treatment and engage in ongoing health maintenance tasks
  • Decrease barriers that certain groups have historically faced to accessing medical care
  • Provide transitional support for members leaving the hospital or other institutional settings
  • Secure and retain stable housing 

PathPoint’s ECM Services currently operate in North Santa Barbara County, with plans to expand across South Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo County. If you or someone you know would benefit from ECM, please reach out to PathPoint's team directly at:

(805) 252-7880