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Community Integration Services

The Paths to Community

At PathPoint, we believe that all individuals, regardless of their developmental disability, physical challenges, or concurrent medical conditions, need stimulating activities and social interaction in a meaningful environment.

Community Integration Programs provide day services for individuals with moderate to severe physical and developmental disabilities who generally reside at home, in long-term care facilities, or in intermediate care facilities.

We offer programs, services and facilities that support community integration and learning in a sanitary, well-maintained, healthy, and stimulating environment.

Activities are designed to maintain a high quality of life while encouraging maximum social, intellectual, and physical capabilities. Our services provide the support necessary to allow people to live with dignity and self-confidence in their community and enjoy their lives.

Community Access Programs also provide vocational training, work-readiness assistance, and community access skills. Participants may receive part-time paid vocational training at a variety of community employment sites. The portion of the day not devoted to vocational training is dedicated to community access and life skills, such as: banking, budgeting, public transportation, safety and recreational planning.

Where We Offer Community Integration Services