Santa Barbara Path Point Celebrates 50th Anniversary

What happened way back in 1964? Martin Luther King won the Nobel Peace Prize, zip codes were introduced by the US Postal Service, the game show “Jeopardy” debuts, and Work Training Programs, now known as PathPoint, began offering services in Santa Barbara.
In addition to our signature 50th Gala at the Grammy Museum, we are having other commemorative events throughout our five counties. From Santa Barbara to Santa Maria to Bakersfield, the celebrations continue!
In Santa Barbara, where it all began, our 50th party is October 25th at the La Cumbre Country Club. We will be celebrating the work of both the South Santa Barbara Division in support of adults with intellectual & developmental disabilities, and the Behavioral Health Division in support of individuals with mental health diagnoses and substance use issues. Wine, hors d'oeuvres, silent auction, live music, and an awards presentation will fill the evening. Honorees include Mayor Helene Schneider and the McDonald Family. We hope to see you there!
For information about purchasing tickets, please contact Ellie Gullickson at 805-961-9200, x 1100 or