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PathPoint in the News- April 2015

PathPoint in the News- April 2015

Happy April, everyone!

I don’t know about you, but the first quarter of 2015 has flown by. Spring, if not summer, is in full glory here in Central and Southern California. This is the time of year when many people tend to have high hopes of accomplishing something in their yard or garden. Each day here at PathPoint, we sew the seeds and have the privilege to see a person we support grow and mature.

I am delighted to announce a very special celebration next month at the Line Hotel in Los Angeles. The Line sits alongside Koreatown’s famous pre-1940 brick colonial revival buildings with stunning views of downtown LA. It will be a fun and relaxing place to socialize and network. Come to hear about our exciting news on PathPoint’s new organizational changes and upcoming goals. See our invitation below, and buy your ticket here! We'd love to have you join us.

Thanks for all you do to help us grow and flourish!

Cindy Burton
PathPoint CEO/President

April e-Blast: No April Fool's joke: A PathPoint Party!