PathPoint Honors Veterans Day

Today PathPoint honors Veteran's Day. With deepfelt respect, gratitude and appreciation we acknowledge all of the veterans who have served for our country.
For Veteran’s Day, PathPoint Residential Employee Tracy interviewed Joe, Veteran of the United States Marine Corp, and recipient of PathPoint’s Residential Support Services.
Joe, you served your country in the past. Would you mind telling PathPoint about your Veteran’s service?
I graduated Carpinteria High School in 1993. That June I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps and attended boot camp at Camp Pendleton in San Diego, California. I served my country as a corporal in the U.S. Marine Corps during Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm.
Was this a challenging time for you?
The challenge was in all of the rigorous mental and physical training and the rest of the experiences that come along with boot-camp for a young recruit at MCRD San Diego.
What are your strongest memories from service?
For me my strongest memories from service are from combat training when “Operation Desert Shield” turned from a peace-keeping mission to “Operation Desert Storm.” The most positive memory is of graduation day in my dress blues on the parade deck, like all those Marines before me.
What was the most important life-lesson that you brought away from military service?
Being sworn in as a United States Marine “to protect and defend this great nation the United States of America from all enemies foreign and domestic and its indoctrination and core values, freedom and way of life all Americans share.”
Do you have any injuries or memories from that time that are currently a challenge for you?
Adjusting from military to civilian life, seeing hungry homeless veterans on the streets of American.
How do you cope with these challenges? How do PathPoint’s services help you cope?
PathPoint and its various support services have been a very invaluable and beneficial resource helping me establish my tenancy and helping me maintain a healthy lifestyle and quality of living no other provides. I also find that change for good and the betterment of mankind is always welcome.
Tell me about your work with PathPoint, has this been a valuable service for you?
My PathPoint representatives, Duncan, Keely, Roxanne and Tracy are all very supportive and helpful. I am very grateful for all their help and I praise them all highly for the time and attention given in all they do. I am thankful for each and every one of them.
Veterans Day is here again. What comes up for you as this day comes around?
On this day of observance I observe in memory of all fallen soldiers and also all my family members and those who have served this great nation, with the utmost respect and admiration.
What are your thoughts on this day?
On this day I am thankful for all my family members who served during World War II and Vietnam. I am thankful for all members of service, past present and future. Their memory and tradition live on.