PathPoint CEO Harry Bruell Presented with Awards from CBHA and NLACRC

Santa Barbara, CA (June 2023) The California Council of Community Behavioral Health Agencies (CBHA) recently presented PathPoint’s President & CEO, Harry Bruell, with the CBHA Member Advocate Award. This award was in recognition and appreciation of Harry’s efforts advocating and testifying for important legislative issues in the behavioral health world. The California Council of Community Behavioral Health Agencies (CBHA) is a statewide association of non-profit agencies dedicated to providing mental health and substance use disorder programs and services to those in need across our state. They are dedicated to the proposition that the people of California deserve a rational and comprehensive community-based behavioral health system that is adequately funded to serve those in need. PathPoint is a proud and active CBHA member.
Additionally, Harry was awarded the Jynny Retzinger Award from North Los Angeles County Regional Center (NLACRC). NLACRC is one of 21 private, non-profit organizations under contract with the California Department of Developmental Services to coordinate and provide community-based services to persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Jynny Retzinger was a long-time member of the NLACRC Board of Trustees. She was a parent and very active in advocating for her son as well as others. NLACRC commemorates Jynny's passion and dedicated volunteer work with individuals with developmental disabilities by an annual award presentation to other community advocates in the area of legislative advocacy. Last year, this award was presented to Erica Beall, PathPoint’s Executive Director of Developmental Disabilities Services. PathPoint partners with NLACRC to provide services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
“I was surprised and very honored to receive these two awards,” said Harry. “Each award is truly an award to PathPoint rather than to me as it is the collective effort of all members of the PathPoint community – individuals served, clients, family members, employees, Board members – that contributes to these important advocacy efforts.”
PathPoint is proud of our community’s advocacy for the people supported through the developmental disability and behavioral health services.
About PathPoint
PathPoint is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization that supports people in living the life they choose. The organization partners with people with disabilities and mental health diagnoses to pursue their hopes and dreams through strengthening workplace abilities, building life skills, and developing meaningful relationships. By partnering with over 2,300 individuals across Kern, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Ventura counties. PathPoint works hard to create compassionate, inclusive, and equitable communities where all individuals have the opportunity to thrive. For more information, please visit: