PathPoint Celebrates National Recovery Month - September e-Blast

Hi Friends,
As Summer fades to Fall our attention shifts towards back-to-school festivities, upcoming holiday celebrations and much more. For those involved in the life changing work that we do, September also marks a special month of recovery. In collaboration with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), PathPoint is proud to celebrate National Recovery Month.
This month is an opportunity to honor and highlight the many personal stories of substance abuse recovery and mental health journeys of individuals both nation-wide and in the communities we serve.
Behavioral health is essential to overall health. In 2013, 4.2% of U.S. adults (or 10 million individuals) reported having serious mental illness. This is an increase from 3.7% in 2009. We at PathPoint know that people can and do recover from mental and/or substance abuse disorders to go on and lead successful, fulfilling lives. Our Behavioral Health Division works tirelessly to provide services that empower individuals with disabilities to live and work as valued members in our communities. We are proud to highlight both the challenges and victories of our participants, as each story shapes these individuals towards lasting success.
Thank you for your partnership as we celebrate this significant month of recovery - Our best to you and your family - thank you again for the work that you do.
Cindy Burton
PathPoint CEO/President
September e-Blast: PathPoint Celebrates National Recovery Month