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Services in Ventura County

PathPoint participant on the job in Ventura

PathPoint’s Ventura County Division has provided support to the community since 1985, starting with services for individuals with disabilities and the addition of employment services since 1989.  Behavioral Health services began in 2006 with the opening of the Life Skills Center and expanded with the Transitions Employment Program in 2018. Highlights:

  • Each staff member of our Residential Services team has 25+ years of experience.
  • We offer three Project SEARCH internship sites: St. John’s Regional Medical Center Oxnard, St. John’s Pleasant Valley Hospital Camarillo, and Four Seasons Hotel Westlake Village  


  1. Discoveries comprehensive curriculum-based program that provides support and instruction in vocational skills, interests, and social aptitudes. It also provides the opportunity for participants to reach maximum social, intellectual, physical, sensory, and emotional functioning levels.
  1. Project SEARCH participants attend the one-year, 5-day a week internship in a business setting, participating in work rotations at the host site to gain experience and transferrable skills. (St. John's Regional Medical Center Oxnard, St. John's Pleasant Valley Hospital Camarillo, and Four Seasons Hotel Westlake Village.) PathPoint leads afternoon workshops at the site covering: communication, interviewing, job search and reflection. Participants also receive job support and mentoring following the completion of the program to secure competitive employment. 
  2. Integrated Work (IWK) and Group Supported Employment (GSE) combines community integration with opportunities to work in various paid part-time employment contracts within Ventura County. 
  3. Job Placement Services (JPS) helps individuals to successfully secure local jobs with assistance in resume writing, interview preparations, and job search strategies.
  4. Individual Supported Employment (ISE) provides one-on-one job coaching services that include individualized instruction, training, and intervention to help individuals improve work skills and positive work behaviors. A Job Coach counsels individuals on issues related to competitive employment, monitors progress on the job, and acts as liaison between the employer and employee.
  5. External Situational Assessment (ESA) and Work Adjustment Services (WAS) utilize work sites to identify an individual's work readiness; time-limited training at a work site; and the development of work behaviors and functional capacities to maintain positive employment.
  6. Paid Internship Program (PIP) is available to job seekers served by Tri-Counties Regional Center who want to gain work skills and experience that will increase opportunities for future employment. 
  1. Community Independent Living Services (CILP) provides living arrangements with instruction relating to independent living skills in an apartment leased by PathPoint in Thousand Oaks. 
  2. CILP Intensive offers 3 hours a day of intensive instruction and support either in the morning and/or the evening. The CILP Intensive Program is designed for individuals who need more intensive instruction and support, for example with taking medication.
  3. Independent Living Services (ILS) provides 10-20 hours per month of one-on-one instruction and support pertaining to living skills.
  4. Supported Living Services (SLS) provides an opportunity for individuals to experience independence while receiving moderate to intensive support to help them achieve success in their own home. Hours of support varies based upon individual needs and availability, up to 15 hours a day.
  5. Coordinated Family Supports (CFS) provides support for adults who live at home with their families. The services are tailored to meet the specific needs of both the individual and their families, respecting their language and culture. Most of these supports will be provided in the person's home and can include a wide range of services.
  1. Life Skills Center a recovery, restoration, and relapse prevention program for people diagnosed with chronic mental illnesses. Our center is open to enrolled adults Monday—Friday from 10am-2pm. Members increase effective coping skills, decrease isolation, and learn skills in managing their mental health diagnosis in this therapeutic social setting. Lunch is provided as well as a Food Pantry. Referrals required from Ventura County Behavioral Health. Contact: Linda Farhat at or 805-413-0350.
  1. PUENTES/BRIDGES provides support for transition-age youth with an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) and their families (who are currently being served by the Regional Center) in understanding the transition process from school services to adult services, and into the workforce using transition planning. PUENTES works side-by-side with families and their student to connect them to resources and services that will help in achieving the goals of the student after completing high school. Contact: or (805) 885-9257. 
  1. Kids & Families Together (K&FT) is a support, education, and counseling resource center that provides services for individuals and families in foster/resource care, kinship care, legal guardianship, adoption, as well as birth families. The organization is a division of PathPoint, which is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides Developmental Disability Services, Behavioral Health Services, and Child & Family Services. For a comprehensive list of services within K&FT, visit the link

What's New

Project SEARCH at St. John's Regional Medical Center in Oxnard

As an intern in the Project SEARCH program, Jeffrey is being trained by his mentor to begin working in the Central Services Department of St. John’s Regional Medical Center in Oxnard. 

Four Seasons Hotel at Westlake Village Graduates Project SEARCH Interns

Congratulations to the four interns graduating from the first Project SEARCH program at the Four Seasons Hotel Westlake Village. The one-year program featured daily work experience at the Four Seasons and PathPoint classroom instruction.

Senator Henry Stern Visit

Thank you Senator Henry Stern for a great visit and for supporting the developmental disabilities community!

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Ventura County Locations

Simi Valley
1463 E. Los Angeles Ave
Simi Valley, CA 93065

Thousand Oaks
501 Marin St, Suite 112
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

Behavioral Health Services
501 Marin St, Suite 100
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

Child & Family Services
864 E. Santa Clara St.
Ventura, CA 93001