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Services in Santa Barbara County

PathPoint Services in Santa Barbara

PathPoint’s South Santa Barbara County division has been providing services to individuals with developmental disabilities since its founding in 1964.  We celebrated the milestone of 50 years of service to the community in 2014.  Learn about our programs and how we can best support you!

PathPoint Services Offered in South Santa Barbara County

  1. Individual Supported Employment (ISE) prepares and supports individuals to enter the workforce through job development and direct employment with a local business.
  2. Job Placement Services (JPS) works with individuals who need just a little help to access the local job market.
  3. Ticket to Work (TTW) PathPoint is an active Employment Network (EN) for Social Security’s Ticket to Work Partnership Plus program. The program helps move eligible beneficiaries toward financial independence and works with State Vocational Rehabilitation agencies to offer continuing employment related supported services.
  4. Project SEARCH participants attend a one-year, 5-day a week, unpaid internship program in a business setting, participating in work rotations at the host site to gain experience and transferable skills. PathPoint partners with Pacifica Senior Living and leads afternoon workshops at the site covering: communication, interviewing, job search and reflection.  Participants also receive job support and mentoring following the completion of the program to secure competitive employment. 
  1. Supportive Services Program (SSP) provides 12 to 20 hours of one-to-one instruction and independent living support per month in the individual’s home.
  2. Supported Living Services (SLS) delivers in-home customized support and instruction designed to meet the needs of individuals who may require more than 30 hours (up to 24/7) of support per month to stay healthy and safe.
  3. Coordinated Family Supports (CFS) provides support for adults who live at home with their families. The services are tailored to meet the specific needs of both the individual and their family, respecting their language and culture. Most of these supports will be provided in the person's home and can include a wide range of services.
  1. Community Access Program (CAP) provides a wide range of activities for individuals with moderate to severe physical and developmental disabilities.
  2. Integrated Work (IWK) a blend of employment and community access programs, provides individuals an opportunity to explore their vocational interests.
  1. PUENTES/BRIDGES provides support for transition-age youth with an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) and their families (who are currently being served by the Regional Center) in understanding the transition process from school services to adult services, and into the workforce using transition planning. PUENTES works side-by-side with families and their student to connect them to resources and services that will help in achieving the goals of the student after completing high school. Contact: or (805) 885-9257. 

PathPoint Services Offered in North Santa Barbara County

  1. Integrated Work (IWK) a blend of employment and community access programs, provides individuals an opportunity to explore their vocational interests.
  2. Individual Supported Employment (ISE) prepares and supports individuals to enter the workforce through job development and direct employment with a local business.
  3. Job Placement Services (JPS) works with individuals who need just a little help to access the local job market.
  4. Situational Assessments (SA) are a way for individuals to try out several different job sites in order to determine strengths and preferences before moving into a job.
  1. Community Independent Living Program (CILP) offers intensive instruction in indpendent living skills while individuals live successfully in their own residences.
  2. Supportive Services Program (SSP) provides 12 to 20 hours of one-to-one instruction and independent living support per month in the individual’s home.
  3. Supported Living Services (SLS) delivers in-home customized support and instruction designed to meet the needs of individuals who may require more than 30 hours of support per month to stay healthy and safe. 
  4. Coordinated Family Supports (CFS) provides support for adults who live at home with their families. The services are tailored to meet the specific needs of both the individual and their family, respecting their language and culture. Most of these supports will be provided in the person's home and can include a wide range of services.
  1. Life Learning Center (LLC) provides personal support and instruction, through a structured day program with a 1:3 staff-to-participant ratio, for individuals with behavior challenges who would like to maximize their independence.
  2. Life Center Independence (LCI) provides the opportunity for individuals with severe behavioral challenges to participate in activities and to learn life, social, and pre-vocational skills. This program has a 1:1 staff-to-participant ratio; a staff member is always supporting each individual served.
  1. PUENTES/BRIDGES provides support for transition-age youth with an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) and their families (who are currently being served by the Regional Center) in understanding the transition process from school services to adult services, and into the workforce using transition planning. PUENTES works side-by-side with families and their student to connect them to resources and services that will help in achieving the goals of the student after completing high school. Contact: or (805) 885-9257

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Santa Barbara County Locations

South Santa Barbara County 
902 Laguna Street 
Santa Barbara, CA 93101 

North Santa Barbara County 
2450 Professional Pkwy 
Santa Maria, CA 93455 

Behavioral Health South Santa Barbara
901 Olive Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101