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Services in Kern County

Employment Services in Kern County

PathPoint has supported individuals with developmental disabilities in Kern County since 2007. The City of Bakersfield recognized PathPoint as Outstanding Volunteer of Year 2018 for the community improvement work performed by people supported in the Life Skills Plus program.

  1. Individual Supported Employment (ISE) prepares and supports individuals to enter the workforce through job development and direct employment with local businesses. 
  2. External Situational Assessments (ESA) utilizes actual work sites to identify an individual’s current level of employability or as part of an eligibility determination through a short term work experience. 
  3. Personal, Vocational, Social Adjustment (PVSA) assists individuals develop or reestablish skills, attitudes, personal characteristics, interpersonal skills, work behaviors, and functional capacities to achieve and maintain positive employment outcomes. 
  4. Vocational Assessment Services assess basic information about an individual’s current education and vocational levels, abilities and interests. 
  5. Paid Internship Program (PIP) paid internships for individuals in competitive employment settings. 
  6. Student Work Experience (SWE) paid work experience, 100 hours, for students with disabilities aged 16-21. 
  7. Adult Work Experience (AWE) paid work experience, 100 hours, for adults with disabilities 18 and older. 
  8. Project SEARCH participants attend a one-year, 5-day a week, paid internship program in a business setting, participating in work rotations at the host site to gain experience and transferable skills. PathPoint partners with Kern County Library and leads afternoon workshops at the site covering: communication, interviewing, job search and reflection.  Participants also receive job support and mentoring following the completion of the program to secure competitive employment. 
  1. Life Skills Plus (LSP) services are designed to encourage meaningful interactions and community integration for people who have social or behavioral support needs.  
  2. Integrated Work (IWK) gives individuals an opportunity to explore their vocational interests in small groups by contributing to their community through volunteerism or as trainees in community employment.   
  1. PUENTES/BRIDGES provides support for transition-age youth with an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) and their families (who are currently being served by the Regional Center) in understanding the transition process from school services to adult services, and into the workforce using transition planning. PUENTES works side-by-side with families and their student to connect them to resources and services that will help in achieving the goals of the student after completing high school. Contact: or 661.617.6170
  1. Independent Living Services (ILS) provides 12 to 20 hours of one-to-one instruction and independent living support per month.
  2. Coordinated Family Supports (CFS) provides support for adults who live at home with their families. The services are tailored to meet the specific needs of both the individual and their family, respecting their language and culture. Most of these supports will be provided in the person's home and can include a wide range of services.

What's New

Our Newest Office Location in Kern County!

Alongside the Ridgecrest Chamber of Commerce, PathPoint Kern County celebrated the ribbon cutting ceremony for our new location in Ridgecrest, which occurred indoors due to the snow. Currently, we offer employment services which include job development and on-site job coaching. We are excited to expand our services and continue to support individuals with developmental disabilities in gaining meaningful employment.

Give Big Kern!

Give to PathPoint in Kern County through Give Big Kern! The big day to donate online is every first Tuesday of May also known as Giving Day.

Asm. Vince Fong Visits PathPoint

Thank you to Assemblymember Vince Fong for visiting our Bakersfield program and listening to the concerns of individuals with developmental disabilities and the direct support professionals who work with them!

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Kern County County Locations

4701 Stockdale Hwy
Bakersfield, CA 93309

1513 N. Norma Street
Ridgecrest, CA 93555