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Speak with a Disability Employment Specialist Request a Call

Employment Information

Cost of Disability Employment

How do I cover the cost of training, accommodation, and benefits of people with disabilities?

  • Most employees with disabilities require $0 in accommodations
  • The state of California will cover up to 6 months of salary for new hires with disability
  • Employers who embrace disability hires enjoy 90% higher retention of valued employees and 72% increase in productivity

PathPoint advocates for your business to receive state and federal funding for disability hires.

One-Page Case Study

Learn how Chevron partnered with PathPoint to create employment opportunities for people with disability across the West Coast

Request a copy


How do I learn more about hiring, training, assessing, and disciplining employees with disabilities? 


What external supports are available to help hire and employ people with disabilities?

  • Most employees with disability require no additional support whatsoever
  • Employers who learn to excel at disability support enjoy 28% higher revenue, on average
  • 2% of consumers have a more favorable perception of companies that hire people with disabilities and more than 33% of respondents prefer to give their business to companies that employ people with disabilities (Siperstein, Romano, Mohler, & Parker, 2006
  • Job Coaches (disability professionals providing on-the-job support to employees with disability) are available to employees with disabilities needing support at no cost


How do I locate qaulified candidates with a disability to meet my business needs? 

  • Businesses may already be hiring employees who have a disability, but miss out on incentives because they lack a comprehensive disability employment program
  • The California Department of Rehabilitation has a roster of hundreds of qualified candidates with disability looking for work at any given time
  • PathPoint can help you set up a state-funded internship to cover the cost of training, with only a commitment to hire the candidates who come through training as a great fit

PathPoint Employment Specialists can also help you find candidates, arrange interviews, and support both businesses and candidates throughout the onboarding process. Take the first step to hiring people with disabilities by connecting with a PathPoint Employment Specialist. 

Litigation/ Liability

Does employing people with a disability open me up to added liability? 

  • Having a holistic disability employment program can reduce liability from wrongful termination and worker’s compensation claims
  • Employers in California have the right to terminate under-performing employees, with or without a disability
  • The number of ADA employment-related cases, whether filed privately or by the EEOC, represents a tiny percentage of the millions of employers in the U.S.

Employer Resources

Access a wealth of external resources related to disability employment

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Speak with a Disability Employment Specialist Request a Call