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Careers Counseling Center Assistive Technology
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Success Stories

Below are a few success stories that show the impact of our Assistive Technology Services.


Nick and his family came to PathPoint with very limited knowledge of Assistive Technology (AT). With the support of Gil, our Manager of Assistive Technology Services, Nick was able to learn how to properly use AT. Additionally, Gil was able to support, not only Nick, but also his parents. His parents state that the knowledge and confidence in using AT has helped the whole family move forward as a whole unit. Our Assistive Technology Services has been a saving grace for them.


Kyle and his support team came to PathPoint to help him with his daily schedule at home and work. Kyle wanted to learn how to do tasks independently and work through his schedule. He was connected with an iPad and set up with scheduling apps. Our team worked with him and his support circle to outline his daily tasks and add them to the app. The team then trained Kyle, his family, and support staff in how to use the software. Kyle was able to stay on task and anticipate what was happening throughout his day. The technology helped improve his progress both at home and at work.


Kim was unable to hear with her in ear hearing aids. This prevented her from fully participating in class activities. Her family and staff thought she was withdrawing and becoming less engaged. ATS staff worked with her to find solutions to support her hearing. They were able to connect her with a new hearing device that better supports her needs. She is now able to fully participate in class and communicate with her family. Her family remarked how she has opened up again and greatly increased her communication thanks to the new technology she has access to.