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AssistiveTechnology Center Staff

Gil Addison

Gil Addison (he/him/his)

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Gil Addison has over 25 years of experience supporting individuals with disabilities. Gil has worked for PathPoint, a developmental disability service provider, since 1997. He was Direct Support Professional (DSP) for the Community Access Program (CAP) in Santa Barbara, California for 25 years. The CAP program provides a wide range of activities for individuals with moderate to severe physical and developmental disabilities. This is where he learned about the profound need for Assistive Technology, especially for those with significant disabilities. Due to his inquisitive mind and technologic abilities, Gil brought many new technologies to individuals in the program. Over the years he created a training program for staff, tested and piloted tech with individuals, and made partnerships with resources and companies in the field.

In 2017 Gil was promoted to Community Integration Manager and completed the Assistive Technology Applications Certificate Program at California State University, Northridge. As the Assistive Technology Manager for PathPoint, Gil now brings technology and training to programs in all the five counties PathPoint serves. Gil is truly passionate about supporting individuals with disabilities through technology. “Creation and innovation lead to greater independence.” – Gil Addison

Regina Puckett

Regina Puckett (she/her/hers)

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Regina has over 27 years of experience with supporting individuals with Developmental Disabilities. Regina started working with PathPoint in 2008 as a DSP in the Community Access Service /Integrated Work Program/Life Skills Plus programs in 5Cities. She was quickly promoted to the Lead Instructor Position within four months of starting. Two years later, she applied for and was promoted to Residential Coordinator for Southern San Luis Obispo County and, in 2013, also took on Northern San Luis Obispo County Residential Services.

In 2017, she became our Case Magic Guru. In 2021 Regina changed rolls and became the Assistive Technology Coordinator/ CaseMagic Trainer. She now has a certificate from CSUN for Assistive Technology Applications.

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