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60th Anniversary

2024 Marks an Incredible Milestone for our Organization: 60 Years of PathPoint!

On February 24, 1964, what was then known as Work Training Programs, Inc. was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. What began in Santa Barbara as a local initiative to provide vocational skills training and employment assistance to low-income community members, has grown into an organization that provides a range of support to nearly 2,300 people with developmental disabilities and behavioral health diagnoses across five counties in Central and Southern California. We are proud of where we've come from and where we're going. Please stay tuned as throughout the year, we'll be celebrating in a variety of ways!

Share Your Story!

Has PathPoint made a positive impact in your life? We invite you to share your story by clicking on here!

PathPoint's History!

To learn more about the history of our organization, click on the timeline document below. 

Click here to download the document